Dr. Carlos Casagrande

Plastic Surgeon | CRM-SC: 8447 / RQE: 12095

Passionate about plastic surgery, Dr. Casagrande has been in this area for 15 years. Graduated from the University of Caxias do Sul and post-graduated from the FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL and the University of Utah, in the United States. He dedicated part of his career to scientific research, especially in the area of face rejuvenation with endoscopic techniques. He has several scientific publications on techniques and instruments developed by him. Currently, besides working as a plastic surgeon, he participates in national and international congresses as a speaker on the different techniques of face rejuvenation.
Carlos Casagrande is a full member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, and director of the Video Endoscopy Chapter of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery. He is also a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and Honorary Citizen of the city of Florianópolis.
Internationally recognized for his work as a plastic surgeon, Dr. Casagrande has published two books: Rejuvenescimento Facial – Cirurgia Endoscópica e Procedimentos Ancilares (Facial Rejuvenation – Endoscopic Surgery and Ancillary Procedures) (2003), and Plástica de Face Videoendoscópica (Video Endoscopic Plastic Surgery of the Face) (2010).;

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